• E. R. Kharisova Kazan State Power Engineering University
  • R. N. Pigilova Kazan State Power Engineering University
Keywords: automation, technological process, fire, alarm system, personnel


This article examines the importance of process automation to ensure safety at work. The possible hazards that may arise during technological processes are highlighted. It is noted that the automation of the technological process is able to ensure compliance with the specified parameters according to established technical standards, preventing overheating of devices, pressure increase and the formation of explosive substances. The automation system allows you to promptly inform the service personnel about possible threats, which helps to take the necessary measures to prevent fires and explosions at work.


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How to Cite
Kharisova, E., & Pigilova, R. (2024). THE ROLE OF PROCESS AUTOMATION IN ENSURING INDUSTRIAL SAFETY. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Computer Engineering, 7(1), 53-59. Retrieved from
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