International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology 2024-07-05T12:29:50+07:00 Yan Maksimov Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to topical issues of social life and presenting the results of evidence-based solutions to psychological, pedagogical and sociological problems.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE 2024-07-05T12:24:57+07:00 S. N. Pankova K. A. Kolmogorova <p>This study is aimed at studying the main aspects of organizational culture and employee motivation. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the articles of modern scientists and identify current trends in domestic research on organizational culture and motivation. We analyze the results of research conducted in various fields – commercial companies, government organizations, educational institutions, internal affairs agencies and industrial enterprises. We also carry out a comparative analysis, systematization and classification of the information received. Special attention is paid to the study of the influence of organizational culture on the non-material motivation of employees. We have analyzed more than forty modern studies over the past five years. As a result, four relevant directions and trends in the study of organizational culture and related phenomena were identified: organizational culture as an element of strategic planning of an enterprise; organizational culture and professional development of personnel in the organization; study of the relationship between organizational culture and socio-psychological climate; study of the relationship between organizational culture and motivation.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF BUDDHISM AND CHRISTIANITY 2024-07-05T12:29:50+07:00 A. B. Rusakova <p>The article is devoted to comparative analysis of theoretical foundations of Buddhism and Christianity on the example of the «noble octagonal way» and Christian commandments.&nbsp; The Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism offers consistent guidance to lead people to enlightenment and liberation from suffering. In Christian doctrine, the Decalogue of Moses and the two commandments of Christ serve as the moral basis for the ethical compass for individual and social life. The article studies the influence of religious theory on the ethics of Christianity and Buddhism. Both religious systems promote ethical living as an essential component of the path to salvation.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##