• M. V. Zuzina Murmansk Arctic State University
Keywords: artistic world, artistic features, “Year in the North”, S.V. Maksimov


The artistic world is a special model of reality created by the writer and capable of interacting with other worlds. A special artistic world is drawn by Sergei Vasilyevich Maksimov, the author of the book “A Year in the North”. It was he who opened the Kola North for readers. This is the first work about the life of the northern peoples. S.V. Maksimov explores the original life of people, describes folk culture in its entirety.


Список литературы

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How to Cite
Zuzina, M. (2023). OWN IMAGE OF THE ARTISTIC WORLD OF THE BOOKS S.V. MAKSIMOVA «YEAR IN THE NORTH». International Journal of Advanced Studies in Language and Communication, (1), 3-9. Retrieved from http://sic-publ.press/index.php/lc/article/view/120
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