• H. B. Yegni Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University
Keywords: Arabic language, Arabic linguoculture, national and cultural specifics, translation strategy, translation transformations


The article raises the issue of linguistic and cultural adaptation of the original text when translating it into another language. Translations of A.P. Chekhov’s stories into Arabic language are considered. The features of modern Arabic culture and the level of development of literary creativity are established, which significantly influences the general perception of Russian-speaking writers’ works by Arabic-speaking translators. The complexity of translating nationally-specific Russian-language vocabulary into Arabic is identified and explained. The most difficult aspects of translation and translation gaps that occur in the Arabic version of the translation of A.P. Chekhov’s stories into Arabic are identified.


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How to Cite
Yegni, H. (2023). METHODS OF LINGUOCULTURAL ADAPTATION IN TRANSLATING A.P. CHEKHOV’S WORKS INTO ARABIC. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Language and Communication, (2), 32-38. Retrieved from
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