Keywords: ischemic heart disease, flow cytometry, innate immunity, platelets


Coronary heart disease ranks first in the causes of mortality of the population worldwide. The main cause of the development of coronary artery disease is vascular atherosclerosis, and innate immunity cells play one of the key roles in the formation of atherosclerotic lesions. In patients with coronary heart disease, there is a decrease in the level of platelet aggregation with innate immunity cells, as well as a decrease in the number of CD62P-carrying cells, against the background of an increase in the level of CD62P MFI, which indicates an increase in the density of this receptor on the platelet membrane. The data obtained may indicate an increase in the aggregation ability of platelets in response to antiplatelet therapy.

Author Biographies

Ekaterina O. Shavrina, Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North

laboratory assistant

Andrey E. Veselov, Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North

post-graduate student


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How to Cite
Shavrina, E., & Veselov, A. (2022). INTERACTION OF IMMUNITY CELLS WITH PLATELETS IN CORONARY HEART DISEASE. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, (2), 60-66. Retrieved from
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