• Alexander V. Tarasov Russian Biotechnological University
  • Alexey V. Kozlov Russian Biotechnological University
  • Elizaveta I. Razuvaeva Russian Biotechnological University
Keywords: Brewer’s yeast, dietary supplements, amino acids, vitamins, raw materials, nutrition


Food additives are the important raw material for the food industry. They also can be marketed directly as biologically active nutritional or dietary supplements. Brewer’s yeast and the products derived from them are the valuable materials for the food additive production because they contain a large amount of wholesome protein, microelements, B group vitamins and other biologically active substances. For the digestion of brewer’s yeast nutrients, the cell wall of these microorganisms has to be destroyed. The components of the cell wall themselves are of considerable interest because they exhibit a positive effect on the human immune system, can bind and remove various toxins and heavy metal cations. Some foods have brewer’s yeast extract as their main ingredient. Dietary supplements based on brewer’s yeast can be further enriched with vitamins and amino acids, if their natural content is insufficient. Other methods of brewer’s yeast employ mostly include livestock and pet food. Brewer’s yeast has also been shown to be suitable for use as a substrate in biochemical production, as a biological sorbent and as a source of biogas.

Author Biographies

Alexander V. Tarasov, Russian Biotechnological University

Senior Lecturer

Alexey V. Kozlov, Russian Biotechnological University


Elizaveta I. Razuvaeva, Russian Biotechnological University



Список литературы

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Справочник лекарственных средств «Vidal».


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Bzducha-Wróbel A., Kieliszek M., Błażejak S. Chemical composition of the cell wall of probiotic and brewer’s yeast in response to cultivation medium with glycerol as a carbon source // European Food Research Technology, t. 237, pp. 489-499, 2013.

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Marson G.V., Castro R.J.S.d., Belleville M. Spent brewer’s yeast as a source of high added value molecules: a systematic review on its characteristics, pro-cessing and potential applications // World Journal of Microbiology and Bio-technology, t. 36, pp. 94-116, 2020.

Podpora B., Świderski F., Sadowska A., Rakowska R., Wasiak-Zys G. Spent brewer’s yeast extracts as a new component of functional food // Czech Journal of Food Sciences, t. 34, pp. 554-563, 2016.

Puligundla P., Mok C., Park S. Advances in the valorization of spent brewer’s yeast // Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, t. 62, p. 102350, 2020.

Rakowska R., Sadowska A., Dybkowska E. i Swiderski F. Spent yeast as natural source of functional food additives // Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, t. 68, № 2, pp. 115-121, 2017.

Sinai Y., Kaplun A., Hal Y., Halperin D. Enhancement of Resistance to Infectious Diseases by Oral Administration of Brewer’s Yeast // Infection and immunology, pp. 781-787, 1974.

Tarasov A.V., Kryshchenko E.I. Comparative analysis of the effects of different types of beer // International Journal of Advanced Studies in Medicine and Biomedical Studies, № 2, pp. 29-40, 2021.

Waszkiewicz-Robak B., Bartnikowska E. Effects of spent brewer’s yeast and biological β-glucans on selected parameters of lipid metabolism in blood and liver in rats // Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, t. 18, pp. 966-708, 2009.

Wei D., Zhang L., Williams D.L., Browder I.W. Glucan stimulates human dermal fibroblast collagen biosynthesis through a nuclear factor-1 dependent mechanism // Wound Repair and Regeneration, t. 10, № 3, pp. 161-168, 2002.

White R. A Brief Cultural History of Vegemite. Australian Popular Culture, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, pp. 19-20, 1994.

Spravochnik lekarstvennykh sredstv «Vidal».

How to Cite
Tarasov, A., Kozlov, A., & Razuvaeva, E. (2022). BREWERS YEAST AS A FOOD ADDITIVE. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, (2), 73-85. Retrieved from
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