• N. V. Voznesenskaya Ulyanovsk State University
  • N. V. Volkova Ulyanovsk Oblast Children’s Clinical Hospital Named After a Political and Public Figure Y.F. Goryachev
  • S. Yu. Klinysheva Ulyanovsk State University
Keywords: in vitro fertilization, body mass index, autoimmune thyroiditis, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus


The authors analyzed the outcomes of in vitro fertilization (IVF) over the past three years. Revealed a decrease in the number of cases of pregnancy after IVF by almost two times. This fact prompted the present study, which aimed to identify possible factors leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of IVF. 94 outpatient cards of patients who entered the program were analyzed. The structure of the causes of infertility, the features of the anamnesis, somatic status, data from an objective and clinical and laboratory examination were studied. It was revealed that the structure of the causes of infertility did not change significantly over a three-year period. The most common reason for referral to IVF was tubal- peritoneal infertility. Most of the women were aged 35-39 years (26%), i.e. they belonged to the late reproductive period. There is an increase in patients of the older age group of 40-45 years. Half of the patients had an increased body mass index: in 30% of patients, body weight was overweight, and 20% had varying degrees of obesity, of which 7% had severe obesity. The most common comorbidity was autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) with hypothyroidism, with a significant increase in this disease over the course of three years. An increase in the incidence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders was revealed: insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM 2), a correlation was established between the frequency of diabetes and obesity.


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How to Cite
Voznesenskaya, N., Volkova, N., & Klinysheva, S. (2023). THE EFFECT OF METABOLIC DISORDERS IN WOMEN ON IVF OUTCOMES. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, (1), 35-43. Retrieved from
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