• D. E. Ibatullina Kazan State Power Engineering University
  • R. I. Eshelioglu Kazan State Power Engineering University
Keywords: chitosan, chitosan hydrolysate, chitin, seeds, ecology, safety


This article discusses the ways of using chitin and chitosan hydrolysate in the agricultural industry, which act as environmentally friendly biofertilizers and ways to protect plants from a large number of diseases.

Author Biography

R. I. Eshelioglu, Kazan State Power Engineering University

scientific supervisor


Список литературы

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How to Cite
Ibatullina, D., & Eshelioglu, R. (2023). CHITOSAN HYDROLYSATES IN AGRICULTURE. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, (1), 44-48. Retrieved from
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