• E. V. Khugaeva Military Medical Academy. S.M. Kirov
Keywords: mobile healthcare, arterial hypertension, remote monitoring, arterial pressure, disease risk factors


Information and communication technologies have a positive impact on the provision of medical care to patients with arterial hypertension, and digital remote monitoring of blood pressure is recommended as a tool for long-term monitoring and adherence to therapy.

The purpose of the study is to describe the method of remote monitoring of blood pressure of patients as a personalized element of telemedicine technologies in the practice of the attending physician.

The scientific work involved 250 patients with a verified diagnosis of hypertension, who did not reach the target blood pressure values. For a long time, patients measured blood pressure twice a day using devices with automatic data transmission. with the possibility of remote transmission of information about the measurement results via a contactless Bluetooth connection and a mobile application for patients on Android and IOS.

The study showed that against the background of a long period of treatment and observation, blood pressure indicators stabilized. The use of this technique enables the doctor to carry out timely correction of therapy during a telephone consultation, which reduces the number of patient visits to the doctor by about 2 times.

As a result of the analysis of the study, it can be argued that modern information and telecommunication technologies will take a leading place in healthcare.


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How to Cite
Khugaeva, E. (2023). REMOTE MONITORING OF BLOOD PRESSURE AS AN ELEMENT OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, (1), 68-79. Retrieved from
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