• A. S. Ivanova Ivanovo State Medical Academy
Keywords: alpha-tocopherol, pregnancy, phagocytosis, macrophages


The in vitro effect of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide, l-arginine methyl ester, estradiol and progesterone on the activity of peritoneal and placental macrophages was studied under conditions of administration of alpha-tocopherol at a dose of 150 mg/kg every three days, starting from the first day of pregnancy. Phagocyte activity was assessed on the 20th day of pregnancy. It was found that under the conditions of administration of alpha-tocopherol, the activity of peritoneal macrophages does not significantly change, and placental macrophages increase the intensity of phagocytosis in response to lipopolysaccharide and female sex hormones. This feature, from our point of view, provides greater resistance to infections and hormonal regulatory influences in conditions of constantly changing balance between the pro-oxidant and antioxidant systems during physiological pregnancy.


Список литературы

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How to Cite
Ivanova, A. (2022). EFFECT OF ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL ON MACROPHAGE ACTIVITY DURING NORMAL PREGNANCY IN WHITE RATS. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, (1), 41-45. Retrieved from http://sic-publ.press/index.php/mbs/article/view/33
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