• Darya V. Lagutinskaya Research Institute for Medical Problems in the North - Division of Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the RAS”; Siberian Federal University
  • Olga V. Smirnova Research Institute for Medical Problems in the North - Division of Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the RAS”; Siberian Federal University
Keywords: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome, HFE


In recent years, metabolic syndrome has assumed epidemic proportions, affecting large populations around the world. rs1800562 mutant polymorphism of the HFE gene is associated with the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease to hepatocellular carcinoma, and its prevalence in the group of patients with metabolic syndrome living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory has practically not been studied.

It was found that the occurrence of mutant genotypes of the rs1800562 gene polymorphism in the control group significantly differed from global data.

Author Biographies

Darya V. Lagutinskaya, Research Institute for Medical Problems in the North - Division of Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the RAS”; Siberian Federal University

research laboratory assistant

Olga V. Smirnova, Research Institute for Medical Problems in the North - Division of Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the RAS”; Siberian Federal University



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How to Cite
Lagutinskaya, D., & Smirnova, O. (2022). PREVALENCE OF HFE rs1800562 POLYMORPHISM IN NON-ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE SUSPICIOUS PATIENTS WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, (2), 15-21. Retrieved from
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