Keywords: peritonitis, flow cytometry, NKT cells


One of the most severe infectious and inflammatory pathologies is widespread purulent peritonitis (RPP), the immunopathogenesis of which is not completely clear. As part of the work, 35 patients with acute surgical diseases and injuries of the abdominal organs complicated by RGP were examined, the average age was 49.6 years. As a control, 38 relatively healthy people were examined, the average age was 45.3 years. Immunophenotyping of the samples was carried out by flow cytometry. The number of mature CD3+CD16+CD56+-cells, reduced in patients with a favorable outcome of RGP, was restored to normal after surgery due to an increase in the number of CD3+CD16-CD56+- and CD3+CD8+CD16+CD56+-cells, which indicates the effect of postoperative treatment on subpopulations of NKT-cells and the absence of this effect on the reduced content of mature NKT-cells in patients with poor outcome.

Author Biography

Vasily D. Beleniuk, Scientific Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North FRC KSC SB RAS

PhD, junior researcher


Список литературы

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How to Cite
Beleniuk, V. (2022). PHENOTYPE OF NKT-CELLS IN PATIENTS WITH PERITONITIS. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, (2), 46-53. Retrieved from
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