• Aleksander A. Sinyakov Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North
Keywords: Helicobacter pylori, cytokine regulation, chronic gastritis


The aim of our study was to study the content of some cytokines and the features of cytokine regulation in patients with chronic gastritis infected with H. pylori. The study included 3 groups of subjects: the control group, patients with chronic gastritis associated with H. pylori, patients with chronic atrophic gastritis associated with H. pylori. The study measured the levels of IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, TNF-α, interferon-γ in the blood serum of patients and healthy individuals using the enzyme immunoassay method. In patients with HCG and CAH associated with H. pylori, there was an increase in both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines.

Author Biography

Aleksander A. Sinyakov, Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North

Ph.D., Researcher, Laboratory of Clinical Pathophysiology


Список литературы

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How to Cite
Sinyakov, A. (2022). CYTOKINE REGULATION IN CHRONIC GASTRITIS WITH HELICOBACTER PYLORI-INFECTION. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, (2), 54-59. Retrieved from
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