International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to topical issues of social life and presenting the results of evidence-based solutions to psychological, pedagogical and sociological problems.

International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology publishes scientific articles, analytical reviews, short communications and reviews. Articles are published in Russian and/or English.

International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology is published since 2018.

The periodicity of the journal issues is two issues per year.

ISSN: 2832-7896 (print version), 2832-7918 (online version)

All content is available on an open access basis.

Online First Pre-Publication

Online First is an opportunity to post online the final version of your article accepted for publication before the journal issue is finalized (before the printed version of the issue is published). All articles posted electronically go through a full-format review and selection procedure and are published in the print version of the journal after the formation of the corresponding issue.

The most important advantage of Online First publication is the possibility of full citation of your article before the publication of the journal issue. Articles are published on the journal's website within a week after review and decision to publish.

NB! An article published under the Online First format must be cited using a unique DOI number, which is the same for the electronic and printed versions.

The cost of open access to the article, including editing, technical preparation and processing of the accepted article after scientific review, assignment of the international identification number DOI, placement of the article on the journal's website and in RSCI according to the Online First Pre-Publication format is 1600 rubles per article (the recommended length of the article is 7-12 pages or as agreed). The fee is charged only if the article manuscript has been reviewed and accepted for publication.

Print orders for individual copies of the journal, subscription for printed copies and mailing of journals are a separate type of service (optional).

The cost of editorial subscription for 1 issue of 2024: 1600 rub./ex. with delivery within Russia, 3000 rub./ex. with air delivery to foreign countries.

Founder and Publisher
Science and Innovation Center Publishing House