• A. V. Kozlov Moscow City Pedagogical University»
  • M. A. Kozlova Moscow City Pedagogical University»
  • P. K. Pogosian BIOTECH University
Keywords: students, frustration, muscle testing, carpal dynamometry, psychodiagnostics, counseling, psychology


To date, the subject of muscle (muscle) tests and their application in applied psychology remains poorly understood, moreover, there is no specific data on their use for diagnosing psychophysiological problems in students. The article addresses the issue of the possibility of using carpal dynamometry as an additional type of psychodiagnostic procedure for identifying social frustration.


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How to Cite
Kozlov, A., Kozlova, M., & Pogosian, P. (2023). PSYCHODIAGNOSTICS OF STUDENTS’ SOCIAL FRUSTRATION USING MUSCLE TESTING. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology, (1), 65-70. Retrieved from
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