• P. A. Chernykh Nizhnevartovsk State University
Keywords: youth, employment, mobility, social structure, socio-professional status, career guidance, infantilism


The article deals with issues related to the current situation of young people in the field of employment, professional mobility, and career opportunities. There are a number of important problems that young people face today in the labor market. As significant factors, the following are noted: changes in the social structure of society, a change in social roles and the transformation of the very conditions of socialization. The paper concludes that it is necessary to include young people as early as possible in social work, to provide them with the opportunity to actively seek employment.



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How to Cite
Chernykh, P. (2023). PROFESSIONAL MOBILITY OF MODERN YOUTH: FEATURES AND PROBLEMS. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology, (1), 130-138. Retrieved from
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