• T. V. Chumakova St. Petersburg State University
Keywords: infosphere, history of religion, history of the theological school, Christianity


The article is devoted to the study of the role of Christian (non-Orthodox) religions in the infosphere of Orthodox theological educational institutions of the Russian Empire. The level of study by teachers and students of the theological school of the history and current situation of Christian denominations increased by the end of the XIX century. The main reason for improving the quality of research was the reform of the spiritual education of the Russian Empire, which increased the demand for the scientific component of students’ dissertations, as well as the works of teachers.


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How to Cite
Chumakova, T. (2023). CHRISTIAN CONFESSIONS IN THE INFOSPHERE OF SPIRITUAL SCHOOLS OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology, (1), 139-146. Retrieved from
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