• P. Yu. Naumov Center for military medical expertise of the national guard troops of the Russian Federation
Keywords: values, semantic formations, consistency, integrity, integrativity, subjectivity, intelligentsia, psychological knowledge


In the research literature, scientific statements have long been substantiated that intelligence as an interdisciplinary concept organically incorporates various aspects of subjective psychological existence. Here it should be noted the intellectual, communicative, value-semantic, creative, educational and educational aspects, which, being reflected and objectified by consciousness, act as a real regulator of the practical activity of the individual. The functioning of these components is multifaceted and multidirectional, it affects both the subject-personal and social fields. Analysis of the content characteristics of intelligence raises the question of how they are organized into a single system, interdependent and integrated into each other. Thus, the purpose of the work is to study the integral characteristics of intelligence and substantiate their manifestations in mental functioning.


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How to Cite
Naumov, P. (2022). INTELLIGENCE AS AN INTEGRAL PROPERTY OF PERSONALITY. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology, (3), 3-7. Retrieved from
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