• D. M. Zaripova BSPU named after M. Akmulla
  • A. V. Faskhutdinova Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
  • M. A. Fedan South Russian Institute of Management
Keywords: information technology, vocational education, extremism, legal aspects, motivation


The study examines the use of various forms and methods of organizing education in the study of the prevention of extremism in the educational process in the vocational education system. The conclusion is substantiated that the success of the educational process depends on the ability to use various forms of its organization, focusing on the goals, psychological characteristics of students, their level of preparedness and activity, learning tools, tasks, stages of knowledge acquisition, types of activities, pedagogical skills of the teacher.


Список литературы

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Zaripova D. M. On the forms of studying the topic “Prevention of extremist offenses” in educational organizations of professional education / D. M. Zaripova, I. A. Bikkinin. Russian Journal of Education and Psychology. 2024. Vol. 15, № 1-2. P. 116-121. EDN XYRBOR.

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Bikkinin I. A. The picture of the world in national cultures and literatures / I. A. Bikkinin, G. I. Akhmadeeva. Spiritual World of Muslim Peoples: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, XVI Akmullin Readings, Ufa, December 14-15, 2021. Volume 1. Ufa: BSPU, 2021. P. 163-166. EDN BQZJCJ.

How to Cite
Zaripova, D., Faskhutdinova, A., & Fedan, M. (2024). ISSUES OF STUDYING THE PREVENTION OF EXTREMISM IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology, 7(1), 8-12. Retrieved from
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