• I. A. Korolenko Institute of Education, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Keywords: spontaneous second language speech, second language speech fluency, integral abilities, speech formulas, podcasts


The article examines the problem of activating spontaneous second language speaking skills in the process of teaching a second language in higher education. The connection between the spontaneous second language skills and listening skills presented as “integral abilities”. The prospects of activating spontaneous second language speaking skills based on the development of listening skills are justified. The benefits of using podcasts in classrooms are highlighted. Guidelines for the use of podcasts are provided in order to activate students’ spontaneous second language speech in classrooms in higher education.



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How to Cite
Korolenko, I. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF SPONTANEOUS SECOND LANGUAGE SPEAKING SKILLS IN PROFESSIONAL LINGUISTIC EDUCATION. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology, (1), 54-61. Retrieved from
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