• V. D. Lamukhina Irkutsk State University
Keywords: preparation for military service, military-patriotic education, personal development, motivation for learning


The preparation of young men for military service in secondary educational institutions takes place at the OBZH lessons, summer military training camps (after 10th grade), physical education lessons, in extracurricular military-patriotic work, in extracurricular activities: excursions, sections and circles of additional education. This is a pedagogical process organized and aimed at the formation of patriotism, affecting the personality of each student and laying moral values. The author conducted a study in grades 10-11 of the MBOU “Secondary School No. 51” in Ulan-Ude, the purpose of which was to determine the level of readiness of young men for conscription and the choice of forms and methods of pedagogical influence, allowing to prepare young people for military service as effectively as possible. The methods of organizing pedagogical research were questionnaires, testing, and pedagogical experiment. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the motivation to study this issue has a low level. At the main stage of the study, a series of lessons on the topic “Preparation for military service” was conducted, an extracurricular event aimed at forming a civic position and patriotism, educating pre-conscripts with moral and volitional qualities, sociability. The result of the experiment was an increase in motivation to study the history of military affairs, issues related to the organization of army life and service in the Armed Forces of Russia.



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How to Cite
Lamukhina, V. (2022). PREPARATION FOR MILITARY SERVICE IN THE STUDY OF THE DISCIPLINE “FUNDAMENTALS OF LIFE SAFETY” IN GRADES 10-11. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology, (1), 100-106. Retrieved from
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