• S. G. Gutova Nizhnevartovsk state University
Keywords: syncretism, methodology, absolute, androgyny, integrity, metaphysics, morality, integral knowledge


The article discusses the basic principles of building syncretic metaphysics on the example of various philosophical teachings. The purpose of the study is to identify the philosophical, anthropological and methodological foundations that form a new form of syncretic metaphysics. To identify this kind of foundations in various philosophical teachings, the method of comparative analysis is used, which allows reconstructing the most general provisions presented as mandatory elements of syncretic metaphysics. The article discusses the most important foundations that have universal significance for philosophical systems based on methodological syncretism. The paper concludes that such grounds include the idea of the super-existent or the absolute, the idea of the Good and the moral perfection of man, the idea of integral knowledge, as well as androgynism, as the most important principle of anthropological teachings focused on synthesis.



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How to Cite
Gutova, S. (2023). PHILOSOPHICAL-ANTHROPOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF SYNCRETIC METAPHYSICS. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and Sociology, (1), 9-16. Retrieved from
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