• O. A. Kudinova Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Keywords: literary text, literary analysis, linguostylistic analysis, plot, characters, setting, narration, stylistic devices, higher education


The article is devoted to the importance of interpreting fiction. The authors consider the language possibilities of the literary text to get the author’s ideas in the process of text interpretation. The conducted analysis of the text helps us to provide a deep insight into the story “The Store of the Worlds” by Robert Sheckley. Its defining characteristics are the wonderful stylistic devices and the essential language tricks to reveal the main character.



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Kudinova O., Kudinova V. The potential of using written analyses in the study of English literature. Znanstvenamisel journal. – Slovenia, 2021. – № 61. Vol.2. – С. 31-33.

Kudinova O., Kudinova V. Linguistic and stylistic features of Oscar Wilde’s short story “the Sphinx Without a Secret”. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Language and Communication. 2022. №2. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. С. 29-34.

Kudinova O.A., Kudinova V.I. K voprosu o lingvostilisticheskih osobennostyah rasskaza Dzh.R. Tolkiena “Leaf by Niggle”. Sovremennye issledovaniya social’nyh problem. 2016. No 4-3 (28). S. 204-214.

Kudinova O., Kudinova V. The descriptive wordiness of Faulkner. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Language and Communication. 2022. №1. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. С. 12-20.

Sheckley R. Store of the Worlds: The Stories of Robert Sheckley. URL:

Cписок литературы

Белоусов К.И. Синергетика текста: От структуры к форме. URSS. 2008. 248 с.

Kudinova O.A. Linguostylistic analysis of literary text as a way of EFL students’ linguistic expertise development. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Language and Communication.2020. №2. С. 3-14.

Kudinova O., Kudinova V. The potential of using written analyses in the study of English literature. Znanstvenamisel journal. – Slovenia, 2021. – № 61. Vol.2. – С. 31-33.

Kudinova O., Kudinova V. Linguistic and stylistic features of Oscar Wilde’s short story “the Sphinx Without a Secret”. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Language and Communication. 2022. №2. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. С. 29-34.

Кудинова О.А., Кудинова В.И. К вопросу о лингвостилистических особенностях рассказа Дж. Р. Толкиена “Leaf by Niggle”. Современные исследования социальных проблем. 2016. No 4-3 (28). С. 204-214.

Kudinova O., Kudinova V. The descriptive wordiness of Faulkner. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Language and Communication. 2022. №1. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. С. 12-20.

Sheckley R. Store of the Worlds: The Stories of Robert Sheckley. URL:

How to Cite
Kudinova, O. (2023). THE POSSIBILITIES OF THE LANGUAGE TO GET THE AUTHOR’S IDEAS. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Language and Communication, (1), 20-26. Retrieved from
Original Articles